Announcement about BunnyPub temporarily Stops Interactive Mining

Dear Rabbits: 

The interactive mining feature on BunnyPub has existed for one year. In this year, everyone posts actively and interacts friendly. According to our calculation, 41,098 users posted on BunnyPub in this year in total, creating 125,025 posts and mining about 600,000 BRB rewards. Thank you for your love and contribution to BunnyPub. Thank you! 

Now due to the adjustment of our operation policy, we will temporarily stop the interactive mining feature on BunnyPub at August 15, 2019, 00:00:00, and distribute all the unreleased mining rewards within this week,When to reopen the interactive mining will be announced through announcement in the future. If you have any questions, please contact our official staff at first time. We will do our best to provide you better service! 

[RISK WARNING] Digital currency is a new social product that is still inits initial stage of development. There could be many risks in the market of digital currency trading (e.g. technical defects, price fluctuations etc.). Users should be fully aware of the investment risks. Established under the legal framework of Australia, BitRabbit is a neutral trading platform aiming to satisfy the trading demands of digital currency fans and is not liable for any review, warranty or compensation liabilities of the currency value.

Thank you for your support and trust in BitRabbit .Please be assured that with the emergence of BitRabbit, the era of better digital asset trading and investment has come.


BitRabbit Team


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